In-Stock Katsu Kaishu Tadayoshi Iaito 2.45 Shaku
Historical Background
Count Katsu Kaishu(1823-1899) was a Japanese naval officer and statesman during the Late Tokugawa shogunate and the Meiji period, who was licensed from the school of Jukishinkage-ryu Kenjutsu.
In 1860, Katsu was assigned to command the first warship of Japan, Kanrin-Maru, to escort the first Japanese delegation to the US for the formal ratification of the Harris Treaty. After the collapse of the Tokugawa forces in late 1867, he took a very important part in negotiating the peaceful surrender of Edo Castle to the Satcho(Satsuma and Choshu) Alliance which fought against the Shogunate.
As a noble swordsman who worked towards bringing unity to Japan, one of the swords he owned was made by a famous swordsmith, Bizen Tadayoshi. Tsuka is wrapped with black leather over white Tsukasame and contrasting the black leather, Sageo is White silk. Refreshing and yet dignified silver antique finished Menuki with the motif of a dragon represents his friendship with Ryoma (龍馬). Fuchi/Kashira and Tsuba have a matching Nami(waves) theme, illustrating his life as a naval officer, and his broad perspective.
Blade: Standard
2.45 Shaku Length
8.5 Sun Tsuka Length
Hamon: Kanesada
Tsuka-Same: White
Tsuka-maki: Black Leather Hineri Maki
Tsuba: Nami Koi - 104g
Fuchi/Kashira: Doto - Silver-plated Antiqued Brass
Menuki: Hairyu - Silver-plated Antiqued Alloy
Saya: Koshi Tame Sendan Kuro Ishime
Sageo: White Silk